Sunday, August 4, 2013

Rock Your Box

If you have a dream or desire to do something, then give it all you've got, don't settle for ordinary.

My desire or dream is to run a marathon.  I'm not sure why, really, as I had just started to get back into running after an over-use injury.

All I can say is I have a strong desire to run and experience the marathon.

When I started to train, I had challenges right away.  The plan I chose was a 4/day a week marathon program.  This is perfect for training but it aggravated my previous injury and, also, started a new injury.

I looked at my plan, evaluated my goal and changed my program.  The plan I went with was a 3/day a week marathon program. 

Training was going good and I was getting in my speed/tempo work until another challenge arose, the shoes I had been wearing were needing to be retired.  I checked the newest Asics and they looked good, so I bought them.  Well, after a week of wearing them, I started to get ankle pain.  Knowing it was from the shoes, I bought a different pair of Asics (both motion control, as I have fallen arches and pronation).  Those did not help either!  The so called "lasted and greatest" models, did not support my feet at all.

I ended up with Saucony, and they're not bad.  I will have to try New Balance, after the marathon is over and, hope, they give me the support I need.

Not meaning to get off on a tangent, I continued training, with the shoes I had.  This meant having to do ankle and foot strengthening, stretching and icing.  After weeks of steady maintenance I was starting to feel better, then, bam...I have ITB.  That literally just came out of no where and, yet again, another challenge to work through.  Mind you, this is all on my left leg.  Gimpy?? Maybe.

All I could think, as I walked home from my planned 20 miler, that turned to a 12.23, was what else could go wrong.   There are, only, four weeks left of training but in four weeks, who knows what could happen.

So, for me, several different challenges I have had to face or am currently facing.

Do you want to be able to meet all challenges head on and overcome them?

Why, yes I do!

My race will be run, on August 31st, and I will finish.  Training for the marathon and running the race will work out for my good, the experience and knowledge will be great.  I won't know when I will want to do another, but the first one will be done.

What is your dream or desire?  I imagine that you want to break out of your box and accomplish your goal.

Your attitude through the process is important.  There will be challenge, oh yes.  But you have to get rid of the "I can't" and embrace the "I can".  You may have to adjust your training or schedule, that will get you there, but the fact remains that you can get there.

Please don't be stubborn and stick with the direction you are going, if it is not working.  Modify, modify, modify.  The challenges you will face, need to be pushed through, with common sense.  Your first challenge may be building the energy, to get up and get started.

You don't need ability, you need availability and a "can-do" attitude.

Don't make excuses nor blame someone or something for why you cannot reach your goal, it's all you baby!

You are in control 100%, you choose what you can and cannot do, and you choose when you quit.

My shoes and my body will not be my excuse.  And to let you know, I've gone so far down in pace that I was to a walk/run.   But, as you know, walking is still forward progress.

Wishing won't work.  Being jealous of someone who has what you desire does no good.  Self-pity is a waste of time and energy."

Believe you can conquer!!


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Going Through

Believe in yourself, believe you can do it.

I talked yesterday about writing down each time you say the words, "I can't".  Well, in telling you to do that, I did it!

Ugh, what frustrations to hear those words!

I said I can't work full-time and do marathon training and I can't take our finances anymore.  I realized the moment I said "I can't", that I had spoke the words I just had told you not to.

This is a good example, that it takes working on it daily.  You can't change your attitude over night, nor in months or years.  There will be times you falter and slip, but those times are good.  It shows you that negativity, can slip in anytime.

Of course, this was me talking out of my feelings and emotions.  We get to a point where we feel over-whelmed and snap.

We can learn to control ourselves in these times.  We will have times throughout our day where we can feel stressed, frustrated or over-whelmed.  We do not have to let those times control us.

During workouts and eating healthy, we can have the same negativity come out.  Getting through a workout can be hard. 

I wanted to quit twice, when I was doing Yasso 800's on Thursday.  I had ate to close to my run and my stomach was upset.  The first 800 wasn't bad but the second and third were awful, my stomach was so bloated and cramping.   I would do the first lap (.25) and think, okay, not to bad.  Then on the second lap (.25) I would feel almost sickly and it was on this second lap where I thought, "I can't do this!",  I felt like I was going to puke.

It is hearing those words that I thought, "I can do it."  I told myself it is only one more lap on this stinking track, I can get it in and I will.  And to show myself I can, I am going to try and run faster. 

Well, I did do it.  I ran my Yasso 800's like this:  4:19, 4:15, 4:07

Each one progressively faster.

So, yes, in those times where your feelings and emotions want to take over, you can push past them.  You can get through it, it takes "want to".  Do you really "want to" succeed??

How about you?

How many times in the past two days have you said, "I can't", "it's too hard", "I will never get there", "this will never end"?

Frequently ________________
Occasionally ______________
Hardly Ever _______________

We all get discouraged, it happens!

We do more for ourselves when we learn from our struggles and apply it to our lives.

How many times did you say, "I can't"?

Now for each of those times I want you to replace the "I can't" with "I can".

I can ____________________.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes you'd destiny.

~ Anonymous

On Purpose

Thinking the right things "on purpose" is the way to go, wouldn't you say?

When we decide to lose weight, finish a goal distance or improve our life, in anyway, we need to set our mind to our objective.

It is a firm decision to make our mind up!

We can't be like the waters of the sea, tossed to and fro.  We just cant go around thinking whatever, whenever.

How many negative thoughts come into your mind that have negated your weight loss endeavors?

How many times have you said to yourself, "I will never lose weight", "this is a joke, why are others hitting their weight loss goals and, still, here I am." "What's the point to keep trying, obviously I am not destined to loss weight!"

Those are the thoughts that are negative.  They keep you back from wanting to push on.  You would want to stop the down ward spiral, wouldn't you!?

Well, you can!

You can get into a support group, on a page or website geared to your goal and start getting support and encouragement.

Ask questions, get advise and tips to help you stay focused.

The biggest thing is to change your mind.  Change that attitude!

•  Set that mind to your goal & keep it set. Make up your mind to go all the way through and see your goal to completion, no matter how long it takes.  

•. Believe what you are saying, like, "I believe I will lose weight, run a marathon or get fit."  This is a process is to be done everyday. It will take work, focus and determination. You will get to a point where you will hate any negative thinking that comes into your mind.

•  Celebrate your achievements/success as you go. Any victory needs to be rewarded but reward yourself appropriately. Those achievements help you to relax and keep you going. Thinking right is a hard job, harder than the eating and workouts you do!

•. Empty the junk out of your head. It's good to practice thinking positive but you will need to get rid of the junk that's already there. Ouch! You have bad habits. What to do?? 
Start making a journal of the thoughts that come into your mind. Good and bad. You have a pattern, a habit. You need to see what thoughts you have of yourself that are good and which ones are not. Once you see the pattern then you can start to change those statements around. I will never loss weight turns to:  I am a dedicated beast!  How many people can go the distance like I can?! 

I've read it can take 30 days to form new habits or to break bad ones.  Be patient with yourself and don't give up on you!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Plan for weight loss and running.

Sat at work and figured out my plan of attack, for after the marathon.  Not that it wasn't busy at work today...wholly it was!!  But did have a minute or two where I could conform a thought.

After the marathon I will be taking a longer recovery, than normal.  Thinking about two weeks long and I may swim during that time frame, as the pool will be free swim again.

My planned start date for Insanity will be 9/16/2013 and I will do the full two months.  I am hoping to get on Shakeology for those two months, as well.  This time around I will not run.   The two previous rounds I did run, albeit easy, short miles.

My focus will be solely weight loss for during optimal running performance.  Once the two months are done, the plan will be to start adding in miles.  My running, from then on, will revolve around my program.

One reason I do not want to run during my third round is because I will enter the Beachbody Challenge.  During my first round I was in the Beachbody Challenge and was a finalist for $1000.00 but because I did run during the program, I did not win.

The blue bikini will get pulled out of storage and be used. I do dread the before photos in it, as I bought it after I had lost weight the first time, as my reward.

So that's the plan and cannot wait to start!

If you have Insanity and want to do it again, we could start a group and do it together.  Never did the program and want to in September, let me know! I'll hook you up.

Runner's Core Routine - Stages Two and Three

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Not that much.

I just counted out 55 Goldfish, it's not as much as you'd think.

Before checking serving sizes, I would fill this baggy up to the top.

I realize I ate, at least, 4 servings of Goldfish.  That's 564 calories, just in a snack!!

Talk about .. Yikes!